Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Well what A full on, crazy year and a half it has been! My name is Jess I am Married to a wonderful man Pete and we have been blessed with 5 beautiful children. Let me tell you a bit more about our story...... It was Saturday morning July 2007 and just another "normal" busy day in our lives, My sister had come down for the weekend, I had to go off to the doctors as I had not been feeling the best for a couple of months with dramatic weight loss and constant exhaustion, I knew in my heart of hearts something wasnt right! I had thought maybe I was anaemic and maybe depressed but little did I know what was just around the corner.......Off to the doctors I went, I explained to the doctor my symptoms and she ran some blood tests, she said she could put me on anti-depressants but I decided no too till I recieved my blood test results back! I then proceeded into the nurses room where she weighed me, I was shocked I had lost 13kg within 3 months! I sensed the nurse knew this by my reaction so then spoke to the doctor! I went on my way home where my 3 daughters were waiting with their aunty, my husband had gone off to the doctor himself with my 2 boys after the doctor had wanted to catch up with him also. We decided to take advantage of the situation and go off shopping....without the boys!!!!! Just as we were heading into the shops I had a cll from th doctor, this came as a surprise as she wanted to visit me at home! We got some groceries then headed off home. The doctor finally arrived nd asked my sister to take the girls into the next room, She then continued on saying she had my blood tests rushed through and that they had come back with a whote blood cell count that was extremely high, normal is 5-11 mine was near 200, I asked what does this mean, I will never ever forget those 4 words......."It could be Lukaemia." I put my head in my hands and just sobbed, was this real, would I wake up and it will have all been a bad dream? The doctor asked me to pack a bag and go to the hospital straight away, there was to be no mucking around, this was serious........